• family

    I was chatting with one of my uncles at my aunts wake, he casually mentioned a name of an uncle I’ve never heard of before. Does my dad have another brother that I’ve never met? Well over a decade ago, I remember the last family reunion I attended, I met for the first time an…

  • life advice

    Learn a martial art (BJJ is great). Learn to code. Learn to cook. The rest will fall into place.

  • steps

    There are people online who think “getting your 10,000 steps” is stupid. But you and I aren’t surprised because people online are absolutely outrageous and we shouldn’t let them bother us. I love my Fitbit, even though it’s probably not as accurate as it claims to be. But I love seeing that notification about hitting…

  • meaningful life

    As I was getting ready to leave for work after giving my dog her medication, I saw a quote from the book on social media. The book is titled the Denial of Death by Ernest Becker. The quote goes as follows, “Man cannot endure his own littleness unless he can translate it into meaningfulness on…

  • stay positive

    Sometimes I feel like a piece of shit for not visiting my family more often. My mom and dad and older brother live three hours north outside of the city I live in. It’s not too far. I work every day and that’s my excuse I guess. I’m all for positive self talk and not…

  • dogs

    Both of my dogs eat shit. One of them eats goose shit and the other one eats their own shit. What in the actual shit is going on? Naturally, I did some googling. Apparently most dogs do it either out of habit, hunger, stress, or boredom. That’s funny because a lot of PEOPLE eat like…

  • melatonin

    Melatonin is the secret pill to make your life better. If you can’t fall sleep, take melatonin. If you can fall asleep, take melatonin. If you get sick, take melatonin. If your wife left you, take melatonin. If you got fired from your job, take melatonin. If your children won’t talk to you, take melatonin.…

  • debugger

    Wouldn’t it be great if we could run a debugger program for our life? Think about it, you could compile the program and then run it, and it would give you a giant list of all the dumb shit you’re doing. But we would probably just ignore it, and keep running our programs until we…

  • land

    I am not meant for apartment life. Like the quote from Canadian author Mordecai Richler, from the book, The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, “A man without land is nobody.” I can’t wait for the day where I have my very own lawn to cut. There’s very few greater feelings than looking back at a fresh…

  • new path

    Holy shit I quit (one of) my job(s). Last week I sent a resignation email. I was quite nervous. It took me a bit to hit send. But after about 15 minutes, I said fuck it and hit the button. It was hard leaving a job that I was good at, had decent pay, and…

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