• sobriety

    On January 1st 2020, I woke up hungover again in an AirBnB in Toronto. The night before on New Years Eve I was drinking with Russians. The mixture of booze and pot and cigarettes would be coursing through my veins for the last time. Although I didn’t know that at the time. At the time…

  • days of the week

    Back in the day on a Monday and Tuesday I used to sleep in and smoke weed all and play video games until I passed out on the couch. These days I get up early and walk the dogs before going to work for eight hours. Back in the day on a Wednesday and Thursday…

  • cigars and cigarettes

    Two Saturdays ago I visited an old friend of mine. It was hard to believe, but we hadn’t seen each other since my bachelor party just over a year ago. Too long. We talked about life, marriage, having kids, investments, jiujitsu, and UFOs. He smoked cigarettes and drank whiskey, and I smoked mini cigars from…

  • out in public

    You know those situations you have with a person, that you didn’t like or they said something that annoyed you, or a stranger who is acting rude around you, and you don’t do or say anything, but then after when you’re in your car on the way home you think of all the things that…

  • playing catch up

    “We’ll get caught up tomorrow…” …my kitchen manager and I say to each other and laugh. It’s a grind. Getting all the big prep items cooked and out of the way and stocking the line before the restaurant opens. Some how we always manage to do it right before the doors are unlocked. It’s helps…

  • second thoughts

    It still boggles my mind that I quit my main career job to try and get into coding. I have no clue where this will take me. I’m lucky I can grind it out as a cook while I pursue this new journey. Hope I made the right decision.

  • the little things

    Today at work, I learned a new way to cut Romain lettuce. It took half the time to cut a full case. It’s amazing how happy this makes me.

  • hot

    If you can cook in a 40° (Celsius) restaurant kitchen, we can be friends.

  • help wanted

    It’s hard to find good help these days. Some cooks have a sense of urgency. Some cooks are too slow to move. Some cooks clean because they have to. Some cooks complain that they have to work hard. Some cooks when they see an order that says, “mayo on the side” will put mayo in…

  • yard work

    When I was younger I hated doing yard work. Now that I’m older, I considered a practice of high spirituality. The mindfulness one can achieve when raking dirt, cedar, and pinecones, is that of a high priest Tibetan monk. I used to rush through it too fast, and do a crappy job of it, because…

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